Astronomers find System of seven Earth-like planets where life can be possible
The researchers say that all seven could possibly support liquid water on the surface, depending on other properties of those planets.
Astrologer says that planet nearby solar system with seven Earth-sized planets, three of which circle their root star at right distance for liquid surface water, raising prospect of life, research said on Wednesday showed.
Researchers also said that the closeness of the system, combined with proportionally large size of its planets as compared to small star, make it good target for follow-up research and studies. Researchers hope to scan the planets' atmospheres for possible chemical fingerprints of life.
"I think that we've made a crucial step towards finding if there is life out there," University of Cambridge astronomer Amaury Triaud told reporters on a conference call on Tuesday.
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Source: Nasa, Geo, Todayspak
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