Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan

In Ramazan mostly people try to find the tips how to Stay Hydrated during Ramazan or Ramazan tips, or Ramadan fasting tips, or some of search Ramadan meal plan this is only the reason because everyone finds the ways to stay healthy in Ramazan. Stay Hydrated during Ramazan is important for everyone. According to doctors, a normal human supposed to drink 8 glass of water in a single day to stay hydrated some of expert doctors recommend more 8-12 glasses in a day. 

"We are bringing to stay healthy in Ramazan here is Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

No 1: Avoid caffeinated drinks

Avoid caffeinated drinks are tea, coffee, any other soft drinks like pepsi, coke. Caffeinated drinks cause of diuretics and increase dehydration in your body. Diuretics drinks increase urine production in body and as a desult your body reduce lot of salts and water. The best step to step hydrated during Ramazan is jsut avoid tea or cold drinks in Sehri and Iftar. Drink shakes fruit juice instead of cold drinks in ramazan as Ramadan meal plan

caffeinated drinks tea and cold drinks

2. Drink water or Low-Sodium Vegetable juice

Use pure water or use fruit juice of low-sodium vegetable juice in Ramazan to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan. Sugar in soda water and fruit juice can boost up blood sugar and host of unwanted reactions in human body. Do not use Soft drinks because soft drinks cause of dehydration because of high caffeine are use to make soft drinks. Replace these drinks with water and juice and low-sodium vegetable juice to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan

3: Eat fruits and vegetables as Ramadan meal plan

No one drink all the water to hydrated himself he will need to eat some fruits of vegetables. You do not have to drink all water to fulfill your body needs. 20% of our daily power come from foods and fruits or vegetables that we eat in during a day. Fruits and vegetables like lettuce, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes, radishes, cauliflower, watermelon especially and cantaloupe contain 90% water. These are best sources of food at Sehar and Iftar. You Can choose as Ramadan meal plan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

4: Avoid Salts

Salt increase body’s need of water which results person feeling thirsty throughout while fasting in Ramazan dunring the whole day. use low salty items in Sehri and consider it as Ramadan fasting diet plan to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

5: Avoid spices

Salt also increase body’s need of water and than the person feeling thirsty throughout fasting in dunring the whole day. use low spices items in Sehri and also in Iftari consider it as Ramadan fasting diet plan to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

6. Replace table salt with high-quality sea salt

Use Unrefined sea salt because it is rich in trace minerals & lower in the sodium content salt. Using for cooking will be health and hydration.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

7. Stay cool and avoid Sunlight

The best tip for to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan to spend less time in outdoors and avoid sweating and losing calories. Carry hats and use umbrellas to save from sun heat.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

8: Use Salad

Try to use Salad while Iftari and Sehri. Salad which made from vegetables contain lots of calories and water which fulfill the water requirements of body. Salad is also the best ways to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

9: Don't Use Cold Drinks

During Ramazan don't use cold drinks and black water because its directly effect to stomach which is not healthy for a human body. try to use water of fruits juices of lite drinks these are helpful to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated

10: Avoid Exercise in Morning

Everyone know exexercise is very healthy for human body but if you are on fasting and you are doing exercise your body will sweat more and more after some times you will feel thirsty so don't waster your energy just do simple exercise to stay healthy and Hydrated during Ramazan.

Top Ten ways to stay healthy and Hydrated


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