Android 8.1 may let you send and receive text messages on Chromebooks

Android 8.1 may let you send and receive text messages on Chromebooks

We've heard gossipy tidbits about getting and sending instant messages on the Chromebook some time recently, however that capacity has now been found in the designer review for Android 8.1, as spotted by ArsTechnica and 9to5Google.
d SMS Connect, the component enables clients to send and get instant messages from their telephone utilizing the gadget's bearer number on the Chromebook. Clients will likewise be cautioned to new instant messages through warnings. The component was found in an APK called "SMSConnectPrebuilt," which is propelled through a movement program where a setup screen for SMS Connect opens.

ArsTechnica took a stab at setting up the element, as the Chrome OS has a choice to turn on SMS Connect, however noticed that it didn't work yet. It rather appears to simply be a placeholder work. There hasn't been any points of interest on which and what number of cell phones the element may work with. In any case, ArsTechnica did likewise take note of that it will probably be a Pixel-restrictive component, indicated in the beta variant's code that references "PixelExperience."


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