Japanese engineer builds giant robot to realize 'Gundam' dream
Japanese engineer builds giant robot to realize 'Gundam' dream

Japanese specialist Masaaki Nagumo had constantly longed for suiting up as a robot from "Versatile Suit Gundam", his most loved movement arrangement growing up. Presently he has made it a reality by making a monster humanoid enlivened by the sci-fi establishment.
Created at Sakakibara Kikai, a producer of cultivating apparatus, LW-Mononofu is a 8.5-meter (28-feet) tall, two-legged robot tipping the scales at in excess of 7 tons. It contains a cockpit with screens and levers for the pilot to control the robot's arms and legs.
"I figure this can be transformed into a business opportunity," Nagumo, 44, told Reuters, taking note of the prevalence of the notorious arrangement that has brought forth motion pictures, manga, computer games and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
Sakakibara Kikai has created different robots and beguilement machines nearby its fundamental farming gear business and rents them out for around 100,000 yen ($930) 60 minutes, for children's birthday parties and other stimulation, he said.
The organization has made robots as changed as the 3.4-meter tall Landwalker, the littler Kid's Walker Cyclops and the MechBoxer boxing machine - yet the strong Mononofu towers over them all and executes more mind boggling developments.
It can move its fingers and turn its abdominal area, and stroll forward and in reverse. It is no speedster, be that as it may, moving at under 1 km for every hour.
Be that as it may, what it needs in pace, it compensates for with control: the bazooka-like compressed air firearm on its correct arm shoots wipe balls at around 140 kph (87 miles for every hour).
"As an anime-roused robot that one can ride, I think this is the greatest on the planet," said Nagumo.
Mononofu, be that as it may, may be a bit too substantial: it can't leave the industrial facility without being destroyed in light of the fact that it was constructed taller than the passage.
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